Read Fridge A/C: Repair book online
November 24, 2020
Fridge A/C: Repair
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Review about Fridge A/C: Repair
As a young man I completed my apprenticeship and had all the papers and qualifications I needed. I was a tradesman. I was the told by my company that i would have to find other work. Okay no problem I was qualified, but in Liverpool in those days work was not available, so I borrowed some money from my dad and bought some good second hand tools and made a trolley using a wooden box and old wheels from a pram. I had some cards made in a machine and went to every shop that used electricity and fridges and gave my cards away. The next day I got a call from a butcher who had a freezer room dead and it was full of meat. So I went there and found it had tripped on overload, so I looked inside the unit and found a solid wall of boxes blocking the flow of air, so I showed this to the manager and we then restacked everything with air spaces between them, so the air was flowing again. He was very happy and I had my first client. He told others of how good I was and I soon had more clients than I could handle but I paid my Dad back and bought a car (OK it was an old jalopy) and used that for doing my work. so you see perseverance works. Seize the day.
About the Author
I grew up in Liverpool, UK and served an apprenticeship as an electrician and refrigeration mechanician. I made sure to learn as much as I could in that period and eventually became my own boss running a small business which supported me and kept me in pocket money. I ploughed all of the funds back into the business and eventually had enough to buy and own the best tools and equipment available. If you are fed up with being a work slave and making money for someone else then this book is designed for you to get a good start and with the minimum funds required. Make your self a sheet in a note book and decide what you want to achieve and do not be afraid to think big but also be realistic as you need funds to grow. Remember you will be offering a seven day week service to your clients and you will have to plan your time off, and this may be a time in the middle of the week when all is quiet. arrange for a standby if you do go away, but give maximum service and you will win. Dream your dreams and believe you will achieve those dreams and you certainly will. Best of luck.